Wolverine COO Zach Anderson recently sat down with the Cadillac News to discuss electric reliability during the clean energy transition.

Article Summary

The U.S. is transitioning from traditional energy sources like coal to renewables like wind and solar. Wolverine Power Cooperative’s COO, Zach Anderson, said coal and nuclear plants are becoming difficult to build due to high costs, permitting obstacles, and political disincentives. While renewables are expected to grow significantly, their intermittent nature and battery limitations are causing drops in energy reliability. Wolverine Power is aiming to derive a third of their energy from solar, targeting both larger and smaller sites. They are also advocating for a high-voltage direct current line connecting Michigan to Wisconsin through Lake Michigan to increase grid reliability, which Anderson believes is the best bet in the shortest amount of time.

If you’d like to learn more, follow this link to the full article (free registration or subscription required): https://www.cadillacnews.com/news/renewable-energy-is-great-but-reliability-is-an-issue/article_d1e4cf58-b7c5-11ed-b6af-7b58d85f5ea2.html